Welcome to the conferences and events web portal for non-Temple clients. This site has been designed to help you to make an informed choice about which Temple locations may be best for your program, 会议或活动. The site is arranged by campus so you may learn more about the unique options for each location. Please make sure to peruse all the options. You may request space and services at any of the locations, 或者在多个地点, and our event planning team will work with you to craft an outcome that exceeds your needs. Each campus has unique and specialized opportunities that include

  • meeting and event space (indoor and/or outdoor in many cases),
  • 餐饮及食品服务;
  • 技术服务、
  • 支持人员,
  • single or multiday event support, 
  • residential opportunities for guests,
  • hotel and transportation recommendations for the local community, and
  • wedding and wedding party event planning.

在所有情况下, the event services staff on each campus can share their expertise and capabilities with you directly once you make a request. If you are unsure of where to start, visit each microsite for all the options, then ask questions using the email or request forms provided. We’ll work to make sure you get to the right place quickly and the team will provide a comprehensive planning experience throughout the event development process. One of our great strengths is that we work as one team to exceed expectations so that Temple is the best choice for you. Thanks again for visiting and we look forward to working with you soon!